Six Dimensions, LLC. | Public Health Consulting | Our Logo
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Our Logo

Our Logo

Six Dimensions is committed to creating a more equitable world by identifying and responding to current and emergent public health issues. Our logo means a lot to us because it represents our company and our community and it visually reflects our commitment to health equity.

Six Dimensions, LLC. Logo

Since the inception of this country, the principles, systems and strategies used to build this society were inequitable and unjust. This country was developed without people of color in mind. In fact, the country was built on an oppressive structure that aimed to maintain supremacy —white supremacy. 


Dismantling systems of oppression is impossible without acknowledging the root causes. Those causes are deeply rooted and embedded in every single aspect of society. We understand that our job does not lie in uprooting the current systems, but rather to identify ways to circumvent the current system and/or create new systems that are equitable for all. 

A tree’s roots create a foundation for the growth and sustainability of the tree. Strong roots allow the tree to grow, thrive, and renew itself, while remaining true to its roots. Just like a tree, we aim to establish roots that produce the foundation for a more equitable, just society that produces fruit that is 1) accessible to all communities and 2) supports liberation for the communities that have been historically oppressed. 


Growth, longevity, and sustainability are important to our work. Evolution, revolution and change are critical to the progression of society. Justice, freedom and liberation are necessary for people to make informed decisions for their health and the health of their families. We support these principles by not only establishing our own roots, but by also helping organizations, agencies and communities establish equitable roots in their communities through their strategies and practices. 

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